VTM530 series Micro-fused pressure transmitters


  • Industrial Process Control and Monitoring

  • Advanced HVAC Systems

  • Refrigeration Systems

  • Automotive Test Stands

  • Off-Road Vehicles

  • Pumps and Compressors

  • Hydraulic/Pneumatic Systems

  • Agriculture Equipment

  • Energy Generation and Management



The VTM530 series Micro-fused pressure transmitters use strain gauges bonded on 17-4PH stainless steel diaphragm based on micro-fused glass frit technology. The strain gauges with uniform resistance are obtained by growing an epi-silicon layer on a single crystal silicon wafer using the epitaxial deposition technique rather than conventional photolithography and etching techniques.

The inorganic micro-fused glass frits are used as the bonding material between the strain gauges and the 17-4PH diaphragm. Compared to organic adhesives, the glass frits bonding material can minimize the hysteresis error in high-temperature applications and improve the mechanical properties of semiconductor strain gauge-based pressure transducers.


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